Automation Tasks are in Queued or Pending state with "Waiting for the agent to get the task" message.
The PectAgent (SMA in automation) does not get registered and tasks don't get executed
Troubleshooting Steps:
1 - Run a report as follows:
reports -> all reports -> notification server management -> Agent -> Agent registration Status
2 - Search for Status: "pending" or "blocked"
3 - Check the "Agent Registration Policy" at:
Settings -> all settings -> Agents/Plug-ins -> Symantec Management agent -> Settings -> Registration Policies
"Agent Registration" must be "ON"
and for troubleshooting purpouses "Host Name" should be set to "*"
4 - Access Resource Membership update:
5 - Run a Policy Update Schedule:
6 - reboot Pectagent by launching runagent.bat in automation
7 - Test The task
Thank You,
Best Regards,
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